November 7, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The Playboy model who “accidentally” shared a photo of a wrinkly fat naked woman at her gym along will face criminal charges from the L.A. city attorney. Mike Feuer cited violation of a body shaming law he invented five minutes earlier to announce criminal charges against Dani Mathers for being crazy means. His prosecutorial announcement read like an excerpt from a Cosmo op-ed.
“Body-shaming is humiliating, with often painful, long-term consequences. It mocks and stigmatizes its victims, tearing down self-respect and perpetuating the harmful idea that our unique physical appearances should be compared to air-brushed notions of ‘perfect.’ What really matters is our character and humanity. While body-shaming, in itself, is not a crime, there are circumstances in which invading one’s privacy to accomplish it can be. And we shouldn’t tolerate that.”
To reiterate, the body shaming itself isn’t criminal, but if you slaughter a busload of children in order to body shame the portly female bus driver, that is criminal. Hmm. A couple more times through and I think I got it.
Dani Mathers is unlikely to receive more than a slap on the wrist if she can afford a decent lawyer. The guys in nice suits work magic with junk indictments made entirely for political show. The woman whose photo was shared can sue civilly, which she probably should and will do. Feuer is one of those guys who’s run for and served in elected office his entire adult life. He sticks his finger in the wind to keep the public teat thing rolling.
The Mathers case is yet more proof that women are far worse to one another than men. Men don’t body shame women. They either find a woman attractive and try really hard to fuck her, or they ignore them and take a nap. Admitting that body shaming is a woman on woman crime would destroy the amateur-feminism continuum. Hello Giggles would fracture like the Death Star. Sure, blame the patriarchy. We know what’s really going on. No man ever told his girlfriend to maybe skip a few meals and wolf down diarrhetics.