September 1, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The amount of stupid shit that goes on in this planet daily is mesmerizing. It’s like one of those science teacher repeats about grains of sand on every beach in the world versus atoms in your pinky tip. It’s high school. I’m super fucking high and you’re still not reaching me. Dumbass behavior is not centered in the world of famous people, but that is where ignoramus human behavior can be most easily discerned. Because it’s obvious. Also, TMZ is paying your former college roommate. You trusted that bitch. Bad move.
On this week’s Last Men on Earth podcast Matt and I delve deep into Anthony Weiner’s hungry hungry hippo, wonder aloud who might be trying to stop women from parading topless, I get to share my most intimate Lenny Dyktra moment never before revealed, we laugh at dead wingsuiters, and we pretend sound engineer Brian is a young Latino boy with cancer and we’re Michael Jackson and just rape the living shit out of him. It’s all for fun if you have enough towels.
Like us on iTunes or face six more weeks of gymnastics in prime time.