August 10, 2016 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 4 Comments
Tyga is a real piece of shit. Exhibit A he’s from LA and is wearing a Red Sox hat.
The tiny self-described rapper is being sued by his ex-landlord because he ditched out on his rent which is ironic coming from a guy whose artistic expression is capped at bragging about his jewelry. One less chain and you can pay the gas bill.
Tyga didn’t show up for court and so a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Shitty people are becoming famous because people are narcissists and enjoy living vicariously through other dumb narcissists. It would be great if we could take them all out and be done with it yet the Constitution doesn’t allow it. Burma probably sucks ass but at least they kill off the Tygas. He will be missed. If you lay down some flowers on the walk of fame you’re next.