August 24, 2016 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Four years ago, following the London Olympics, Ryan Locthe reportedly lied about bedbugs in his hotel suite so he could move to a hotel closer to the bars he wanted to go to. That might mean you’re an alcoholic although most people would develop a drinking problem if their job was swimming six hours a day. This is according to an anonymous report by no doubt frustrated or non-existent hotel employee. If true it’s certainly enterprising. Everyone thinks this guy is a lug head but this is pretty creative:
“He started lying about ‘bedbugs’ being in his room and insisted that his hotel be changed to something downtown. Meanwhile, he just sat in the lobby staring, literally staring into space and was in no rush to go anywhere. If there were bedbugs, would you sit on a couch in the lobby of an infested hotel and not rush out?”
It’s officially time to start piling on. Perhaps he cheated on a math quiz in third grade or accidentally tipped a waitress nineteen percent while sloppy? There’s probably a few chicks he banged and never texted back out there. We need all the stories, perhaps a town hall format hosted by Anderson Cooper. We need to feel superior to someone and this is our current whipping boy. Let’s make him cry.
Photo Credit: Twitter