August 8, 2016 | video | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Things are going much smoother now for Lindsay Lohan and her young Russian boyfriend since Lindsay cleared the air by accusing him of fucking Russian prostitutes and started shrieking “murder” on her balcony in London. Almost every moment of this relationship reminds every man of the biggest nightmare chick they ever dated. When you’re twenty-two the idea to pack your shit and change your number and get the fuck out never crosses your mind as quickly as it ought. Especially when Lindsay’s apologizing drunk with a mouth full of Altoids sucking your cock. Curiously strong.
In their latest public spectacle, Lohan tossed a cellphone from a rented Jeep on the island of Mykonos then she and Egor ran to grab it from the sand. To save everybody time, assume he’s texting less crazy chicks about how fucking nuts you are. Rather than confiscating his phone, consider accusing him of strangling you to death in public a little less.
Numerous women’s groups watching this video have called the altercation domestic abuse. That’s because they have no clue how badly a man wants to really beat the crap out of his psycho girlfriend in this moment. He restrained himself to an arm grab to retrieve his personal possession. Not a medal, but maybe a ribbon. Moscow needs to divert a few planes from Syria and pick this kid up. He tried making it in the West and simply failed. There’s nothing you can’t handle is something you say to your son before he starts fucking Lindsay Lohan on the regular.