August 18, 2016 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Kanye’s Life of Pablo pop up shops are one of those social tests that define you as a person. Do you have ten hours to wait and four hundred bucks to spend on a Life of Pablo hoodie? Could you make the most of that time perhaps by also hoisting signs about free college and how the patriarchy is keeping you out of the good jobs?
Following the massive financial take of his one weekend only store opening in Manhattan last year, Kanye announced 21 more such pop-up shops to open around the world this weekend. Toronto, London, Berlin and a few other international cities will join Chicago and Detroit and other lucky bastards for the chance to purchase sweatshirts with your city’s name written on them in Kanye’s cool patented Life of Pablo font. Kanye won’t ID the precise locations until right before they open. Not that it matters. When stupid’s your drug, you’ll take a couple extra busses to score. How’s that social test going for you?
Photo credit: Splash News