June 21, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
A 2003 Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s report list the contents of all the porn and poppers collected at the Neverland Ranch in their initial raid surrounding the eventual criminal case against Michael Jackson for grooming and playing naked gin rummy with prepubescent boys at his estate through the years. While Jackson is thought to have paid millions to the shitty parents who rented their kids to Jackson for sleepovers, one kid’s parents agreed to pursue charges because their kid was a cancer survivor and that’s just extra fucking sick. Jackson was acquitted by a jury of toadstools unable to comprehend how a guy can be an amazing singer and dancer and donate to charity and also be a child predator.
Since everybody in law enforcement knew Jackson was a world class pedophile, it was only a matter of time before they started leaking old case evidence to remind people what a twisted fuck Jackson was. According to RadarOnline, Jackson’s porn included a shit ton of vintage photos of naked teen boys (i.e. James Bidgood gay erotica), men with boys, Eli Roth level disturbing shots of gore and torture porn, tranny erotica, and even glamour shots of his underaged nephews in their underwear. There were also a ton of Hustler magazines and Barely Legals, which were discovered but did not reveal any Michael Jackson fingerprints. So, shocking. Or exactly what you’d have expected from a dude who liked to sleep naked with eleven year old boys.
The only reason to celebrate these post-mortem revelations is to watch the highly correlated fat fans of Jackson protest his innocence and once again explain away his freaky connection to young boys as angelic innocence and caring. It’s never the child predators who are daunting, it’s the large and lonely women around them covering their ass. That and money. Pour some out for McCauley Culkin. No, not jizz. That died with Michael.
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