Colbert Goes After Exploding Muslims

June 30, 2016 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments

Big media journalists and entertainers can say whatever they like on the air, provided they don’t mind being fired for speaking honestly. The very few of them with guaranteed golden parachutes can occasionally jump from the approved guidelines. Stephen Colbert took a shot at media outlets repeatedly running the closed circuit footage of Religion of Peace Terrorists blowing themselves up at the Instanbul airport.

I would like to say something to all the news organizations out there. Is it really necessary to show us photographs or rolling video of a terrorist exploding? That really seems like advertising for someone’s cause in a way they like. I don’t think we need to see that.

The audience erupted in applause then went back to trying to get a decent signal in studio to witness the suicide bombings for the eighteenth time. 

Colbert’s point is obviously valid from the perspective of people not desperate for ratings points and audience. Nobody’s getting raises in the news department for the label “high minded” on their semi-annual reviews. The only thing a guy with a suicide vest and a bad mustache loves more than the idea of sex with underaged girls is knowing he’ll be famous in his death. Post-mortem celebrity status appeals to crazy ass motherfuckers.

Take note of TV network policies to never show drunk guys running onto the field during games. Since the inception of that rule, and a five hundred percent increase in the cost of stadium booze plus an hour wait in the beer line, the number of inebriated naked guys holding up play has been dramatically reduced. Jihadis don’t partake in the demon water. Replace footage of their self-immolations with Best of Adam Lambert boyfriend kisses and you might discourage at least one nut from going Allahu postal. 

Photo credit: CBS/Late Show

Tags: stephen colbert

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