January 8, 2016 | crap around the web | editor | 0 Comments
Clay Aiken went on a rant about how much American Idol sucks. Umm, isn’t that what gave you your start, ya little shit weasel? I agree the show blows but where would he be without it? Blowing truck drivers for five bucks at a truck stop in South Carolina?
Don’t bite the dick that squirted you out on America. (TMZ)
Alana Blanchard shows off her goodies in lingerie. (Last Men On Earth)
Micaela Schaefer is made from 60% recycled plastic. (Egotastic All-Stars)
Izabel Goulart sure has a fantastic ass. (Drunken Stepfather)
Hot girls writhing around in bed? Sounds like fun! (The Chive)
Alison Brie is the queen of my boners. (Hollywood Tuna)
I don’t know how you say Antje Utgaard but I appreciate her tits. (Radass)