December 18, 2015 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The pharmaceutical investment junior kingpin who jacked up pill prices on AIDS patients and recently purchased the only copy of the Wu Tang Clan’s latest album, was arrested for securities fraud and some very poor taste in records. Martin Shkreli was dubbed the most hated man in America by people who love to re-Tweet simpleton judgements.
The Feds announced that the Shkreli arrest was for a balance sheet shell game he had running a few years back and had nothing to do with his AIDS drug extortion bit. Though pretty much any wealthy turk on Wall Street can be arrested for fudging the securities laws at any given time and they picked the guy who every politician on up to Obama called a scumbag for raising the prices of AIDS medication. If you believe in coincidences, gobble this one up.
People will use the word karma in relation to his arrest because they don’t understand the word karma. Most assholes who grift never go to jail. Shkreli probably gets some time in prison but being he’s got all The AIDS drugs, expect him to do well there. Also, he’s just that kind of guy. Wu Tang album playing party in Cell Block D. Bring your cigarettes. Marty prefers American Spirits. Of course.
Photo credit: Getty Images