October 26, 2015 | NSFW | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The MTV European Music Awards combine the underaged moron target of regular MTV with the acoustically insipid quality of European popular music. Ruby Rose, the boyish Australian model with a vagina, hosted the event and opened the show by uniting, not diving.
Ladies and gentleman and everyone in between.
Whoa, somebody just made Bartlett’s. Depending on which 20-something breathless female blogger still subsidized by her parents you believe, Ruby Rose’s pro gender fluidity statement was either ‘genius’, ‘loved by all’, or ‘the perfect comeback’ though that last one doesn’t even make sense. Just look at the supportive Tweets they parsed and pasted from the likes of UghClifford and Laura. Fucking Laura. She represents public opinion per se.
Ruby Rose has previously made unintelligible comments about not being a boy or a girl. She shows off her bare girl tits for work just out of pre-enlightenment habit. Nobody wants to see your gender fluid cock, and you don’t have one regardless. When Hank Baskett’s spotted slipping into your alley, we’ll know something’s changed. It’s MTV. It’s like getting upset at the Aspy kid who corrects you. Ignore it. Until nobody’s looking, then punch him in the face and tell everyone he fell.
Photo credit: Getty Images/”Orange Is The New Black” Netflix