September 16, 2015 | video | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Miss Colorado made history at the Miss America pageant over the weekend when for her talent portion of the contest she came out dressed in scrubs and made up a story about an Alzheimer patient she cared for in the hospital. Joe. He would frequently call Miss Colorado into his room late at night and quite lucidly ask her to reach up for the gauze on the very top shelf. You sly silver fox. Miss Colorado couldn’t actually change his bandages since she’s that kind of nurse that looks hot in scrubs but the risk management department quietly tells the real nurses not to let do or touch anything. The monologue was moving. But being a tall blond hot nurse is not a talent unless you’re getting boned by a doctor with a ponytail and everybody’s proof of age is being kept on file at a Mailboxes, Etc in Florida. Bring back the batons. Nice flight attendant wave. Next.