September 3, 2015 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Hillary Clinton emails reveal that her close confidant and warm hands travel companion Huma Abedin makes about half a mill a year being Clinton’s special assistant. Abedin often complains it’s not enough. It’s a combination of her government salary along with a shit ton of consulting and Clinton Foundation paychecks. That seems like a lot of dough until you ask yourself what dollar amount it would take for you to go down on Hillary Clinton every time she says the code word ‘minky’. On her days off, Abedin returns to her former Congressman husband Anthony Weiner so he can lie to her about not stroking his cock for schoolgirls in Topeka on Omegle. Now how badly do you want to Freaky Friday with Abedin’s life? I’d ask for a raise. And Xanax. And a latex dental dam. Then I’d kill something.
Photo credit: Getty Images