September 11, 2015 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Alyssa Milano took to social media with more breastfeeding photos and a tongue in cheek remark about suckling her child until age six like women used to do after shitting in the bushes and foraging for bugs. Milano’s life’s work is to reveal the presence of an anti-breastfeeding mob. If the mob doesn’t exist, then Milano’s tits go away. Minus the ones she used to show in movies when she was semi-interesting.
Everyone’s fine with [Miley Cyrus’] nipples being out. I think people are more comfortable sexualizing breasts than relating them to what they were made for, which is feeding another human.
That’s so true if you entirely ignore human evolution, which is easier for actresses than say, people who attended some school. Human beings are the only primates where females have engorged breasts prior to gestation. Tits evolved to get men worked up and start throwing dollar bills and their jizz around. Tits are dual purpose. Unlike Milano who bangs the same gong over and over again. Milano claims she rises above all the breastfeeding backlash she desperately creates herself through a great family support system. The wonder of fucking you. How do four billion other women survive having children?