August 11, 2015 | crowd favorites | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Donald Trump is a distasteful narcissist. He’s not a retard. Nobody makes period jokes about women on national television. Trump’s comment on CNN regarding Megyn Kelly at the Fox News debate,
You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever…
was immediately picked up by the 75% of GOP who hate Trump, 100% of Democrats, and all lazy journalists who no longer want to work for stories, and labeled a dig at women as being crazy nuts on their period. Which is scientific fact in Sweden, but in the U.S. we can’t accept it as anything other than sexist vitriol. Either way, Trump never said it.
Morons have picked up their pace in the digital world. There’s already a side protest to the protest angry over the sexist comment Trump never made. Defenders of the period. Like that chick who bled out during the marathon. They invented a hashtag, which is harder than it sounds though still easier than taking a dump. #PeriodsAreNotanInsult. Just to remind people that period jokes aren’t funny not because they’re trite and misogynistic, but because menstrual cycles are beautiful, and you can’t make a funny about pure positive energy. Breathless female bloggers have reported the hashtag has been tweeted over 700 times. Which is slightly less than the 29,000 retweets on Kim Kardashian’s #PaidWhoresCornHole hashtag.
I can’t help but feel modern women are at a crossroads. They stand there bleeding and confused. I just donated to the Red Cross. It’s all I can do to help. Blankets. Some tins of stroganoff. You’ll have to figure this one out for yourself. Just let us know when you’re done so we can stop pretending to read the newspaper.
Photo credit: Getty Images