July 20, 2015 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Details of a lawsuit Bill Cosby settled with a woman who accused him of rape, as is customary when becoming intimate with Bill Cosby as well as tipping the housekeeping staff, paint him as a manipulative pervert. His deposition shows Cosby told the woman to tell her mother she had an orgasm during the encounter, in order to make it seem more consensual. This ranks as one of the top three creepiest things a person has ever done, right in front of ordering milk with dinner and being familiar with Benny Margolis’ catalog. It’s unclear why the woman would be discussing intimate details of her sex life with her mother or how the guy from the pudding commercials could possibly make anyone cum. Never bring up orgasms with chicks. You’ll just find out they’re not having them. Then you shrug and get another beer. I’ve got a generator in the garage, knock yourself out. The more you know about Cosby the less you want to know. He’s like a public bathroom or farmed fish at this point. We know it’s fucking gross, stop discussing it. Maybe the natives can try him on his private island. Fuck the statute of limitations we just decided to kill you with arrows. You’ll live on in syndication and often be referred to in college orientations about the dangers of trusting pompous rich guys who carry a doctors bag to your hotel room. Seacrest out.
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