May 28, 2015 | Uncategorized | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Rashida Jones wants to warn girls that getting involved in porn at eighteen may not be your ticket to fame and fortune, at least not the happy version where your dad is Quincy Jones and you get to make documentary films about how bad porn is. Jones’ film, Hot Girls Wanted, which you will probably see by accident, shows how young women are lured on Craigslist into amateur porn gigs they somehow believe are not porn porn, just, you know, porn. Somewhere in the process of getting STD tested, signing their release forms stating exactly what’s expected of them, and being told to fuck a big black cock pretending to be their stepdad for three hundred dollars, they ought to pick up on it.
“Ultimately, we have a cultural problem where we put a huge currency on sexualizing young girls. It’s been a problem for a while, but I feel like it’s reached a fever pitch.”
Naturally, the eons of the exploitation of girls has hit a new low right during your prime filmmaking years. Nothing like in the past when juvenile girls were forced into marriages, routinely raped and savaged, sold as property, and most of this quite younger than the modern age of eighteen as consent. Actually, much of that horrific caveman shit still happens in Islamic nations daily, but Nigeria isn’t as nearly as nice a place to shoot a documentary as Los Angeles.
Rashida Jones insists she’s not anti-porn, she’s just made a movie warning women not to get into porn, which would thereby cut off the flow of new performers and destroy porn as we know it. Her sham cover that ‘girls don’t understand that amateur porn is really just regular old pro porn’ is nonsense. I’d respect her more if she just protested with signs outside that Hollywood Hills home with the infinity pool where they shoot the content. It’s okay for women to despise porn just as much as it’s okay for men to love porn. The NSA is keeping all the records. Lying is simply pointless.
Photo credit: Getty Images