January 16, 2015 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
John Travolta was in a Planet Fitness at 3 am even though his estate clearly has a gym and he probably doesn’t work out. Travolta struck up a conversation with a gym goer and then allowed him to take a photo, a series of events which is the straight man’s equivalent of going to a dumb fucking dance club and buying girls shots. The guy posted the photo to Reddit and explained how extremely outgoing Travolta was:
“He asked what I do for a living, if I was married, if I have kids, and what do I do with my spare time.”
These are all things you ask someone if you’re genuinely being a nice guy or trying to gauge how open they are to blowing you. Odds are Travolta shot down a chick in yoga pants. This dude either proceeded to deep tissue massage Travolta in the steam room or is too much of a dunce to understand the rules of anonymous gay hookups. Neither would surprise me, but it’s definitely one or the other. He’s in the gym at 3 a.m.
Photo Credit: Reddit