November 18, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Former NBA player Joe Smith is pissed his reality show girlfriend is not being prosecuted for stealing his money. Law enforcement just got together and agreed dipshits who date chicks on VH-1 deserve what they get. Just be grateful she didn’t shiv your balls off while you were sleeping. Moniece Slaughter, whose dad lost a bet when he named her, wrote over $100,000 dollars in bogus Joe Smith checks to some stranger who cashed them. One would think this would be sufficient evidence for prosecution but the police aren’t doing anything because the problems of rich ballers leave them feeling nothing. Though do look for cops to obtain a search warrant so they can check out the nude selfies on Slaughter’s phone. Smith should be grateful he’s escaping with part of his dignity. Odds he still taps it occasionally remain higher than his free throw percentage.
Photo Credit: Twitter