November 27, 2014 | crap around the web | editor | 0 Comments
Hutt gangster Roseanne Barr posted a picture of her mutilated chemical-peeled face and said she had been beaten by Bill Cosby. Not funny. Cosby is a rapist not a woman beater. Also it’s Roseanne, so inherently not funny.
See Roseanne’s fucked up grille, if you dare. (TMZ)
Gigi Hadad is covered topless in Rolling Stone and it’s giving me a Rolling Bone. (Drunken Stepfather)
Nicola McLean has got some ridonkulously huge tits. (Hollywood Tuna)
I would like to slip Keke Lindgard my peepee. (Popoholic)
Kevin Federline says that penis is not his penis. Penis. (Dlisted)
Here’s a video going around of Batman and Vader fighting. Nerds need to get laid, yo. (Moviepilot)
Lady Gaga looks like a fat busted Little Mermaid. (Celebslam)