November 10, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Kris Jenner moisturized herself so heavily for her 59th birthday party she nearly phase changed into a liquid state. Imagine bottling that Maleficent ooze and selling it to jihadis looking for dark magic. The attractive black cougar cub Kris ordered online looked slightly less moist. However, when the reality camera crew lit up for shooting, Corey Gamble dropped his I-just-tasted-Kris-Jenner-pussy face and became the life of the party. Gamble began date raping Kris Jenner on the dance floor while she fake laughed so hard her robotic limbs almost detached. The producer yelled cut before Gamble got close enough to Kris’ crusty Lost hatch to merit a $1,750 hazard pay bump. Satan arrived late and asked for just a sliver of cake.
Photo Credit: Splash