November 13, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
I don’t particularly understand musical theater. Whenever somebody around me breaks out into song, my natural inclination is to want to punch them in the face until they can’t sing any longer. I don’t need the Postman or the Nightclub Owner or the Prostitute emoting to music. It just makes me anxious that I never really survived the plane crash and this island is actually purgatory.
Actors love to work in legit theater. It’s considered the purer art form and separates the pretty faces from the thespians. Everyone can tell Emma Stone how marvelous she was in the last crappy Spiderman movie, but until she’s fawning for the Broadway Cabaret audience applause, she knows exactly what Dame Judi Dench is thinking when the run into each other at events, this young tart’s fucking somebody to get parts. Dame Judi might be onto something.
Photo Credit: Richard Phibb/Getty