October 7, 2014 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
You know the guy who got a free Chili’s gift card for attending a timeshare sales pitch and has the nerve to sell you on it at dinner. The guy who overdosed on pills twice and delivers Evangelical sermons to your voicemail thrice daily. The dude who attended a Tony Robbins seminar who you cannot shake free from at the birthday party you got roped into attending by your girlfriend. That’s Floyd Mayweather. This illiterate trick pony has been convinced by his ringleaders that having a shitload of money equals anything other than having a shitload of money. You don’t see Mayweather with a smile on his face. It’s because outside of posting cheesedick photos on Intstagram and punching women to get hard, he has no veritable purpose in life. He probably considers the facemasked shakedown which took place after he Instagramed this to the world to be a status symbol. He does not understand what money stands for or how to use it, hence he spends his time staging lame photos with it while it depreciates as opposed to investing in car washes while he texts death threats to the mothers of his future felons.
Photo Credit: Instagram