September 30, 2014 | video | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Nostalgic nerds were pissed the Season 26 premiere of The Simpsons did not live up to meager expectations. Promos had a major bomb shell to be dropped in that one of the show’s characters was going to die. This flew in the face of public perception that all the characters and the entire show were already dead. Twitter nerds flipped out when the character turned out to be Krusty the Clown’s dad, who you probably don’t remember from the show when you used to watch it while doing your math homework before you had hair on your balls. Diehard fans were apparently hoping one of the show’s main characters would be killed off, because that’s what you want on a show you have an unhealthy obsession with if you are kind of a psycho. Typical reactions were pretty much unanimously short and to the point:
“The new Simpsons episode was a major disappointment. Krusty’s dad! Really? Overhyped is an understatement…”
It seems highly possible The Simpsons is running out of gimmicks. Once you’re on your way out it’s typical to kick back, throw some shit at the wall, and see what sticks. Especially when your writers’ room is heated by a bonfire of hundred dollar bills. Its a sad thing to see another childhood staple slowly run out of steam along with the two Cory’s and all the dead wrestlers you used to love. A few billion dollars and you hit a creative Berlin Wall around your 9,000th episode. They had a very good run. RIP.