September 15, 2014 | Uncategorized | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
Amber Rose posted some photos of herself where her body looks pretty hot, but is still attached to her twink face leading to a philosophical conundrum of whether or not banging her makes you gay. Its kind of like letting a dude blow you with the lights off, super gray area. This androgyny coupled with Rose strongly resembling Keanu Reeves in that scene from The Matrix where he wakes up bald and covered in plasma in a human manufacturing plant suggests the fashion world may just be playing one long con on dudes who occasionally flip through magazines at the dentist’s office. Rose has been frequently hired as a model despite being less attractive than the notary typing up her contracts. Some suggest her career success can be traced back to her teen stripper moxie, her relationships with several well known rappers, or just the fact that the power brokers in the fashion industry become super erect at the thought of a tiny alien boy with big tits. Yeah, it’s the last one.
Photo Credit: Instagram