May 6, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The further she slides into herpetic dementia, the less likely anybody is to tell Paris Hilton she’s not really a DJ, or an actress or a race car driver or a noted industrialist or even a particularly strong model. She’s like an elderly vet reliving his time nailing French girls after the liberation. Who’s going to tell him to stop humping the dirty linens at the retirement center? Paris Hilton hasn’t really ever served her country, but we’ve all sort of agreed that the feeble minded ought be treated with kid gloves. Better she can dress up in leather and press a couple buttons than allowing her to roam the streets at night searching for her kitty who went missing twenty-five years ago. The measure of a civilized society is how kindly we treat our rich and stupid.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI