April 30, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Chris Martin has decided to fall on the Unconscious Coupling sword and take the blame for the split between himself and his yoga succubus life partner. Chris did an interview with BBC One to promote his latest compendium of emotionally draining hits, Ghost Stories. The host mostly asked about Gwyneth and the divorce. So Chris spouted a bit of mindless mumbo jumbo about his personal failings then employed some non sequitur logical link back to Ghost Stories.
About two years ago I was a mess really because I can’t enjoy the thing that we are good at and I can’t enjoy the great things around me because I’m burdened by this. I’ve got to not blame anyone else and make some changes.’
Nice use of impersonal pronouns, Gay Beethoven. Could you be a bit more trite. Oh, yes, you can.
If you can’t open yourself up, you can’t appreciate the wonder inside. So you can be with someone very wonderful, but because of your own issues you cannot let that be celebrated in the right way.
It’s hard tot believe people pay to listen to this meandering personal empowerment breakout session set to simple melodies. It’s not that people shouldn’t have the right to listen to Coldplay, it’s just that the rest of us should have the right to punch them in their left testicle when they do.
If you don’t let love really in then you can’t really give it back. So what Ghost Story means to me is like you’ve got to open yourself up to love and if you really do, of course it will be painful at times, but then it will be great at some point.
Yes, I see. How about I buy a dozen copies of your album if you promise not to speak aloud until 2020. Chris Martin went on in his interview to praise Kanye, just to be super clear that Gwyneth wasn’t the only insufferable bitch in this marriage. We ought now gather in the Hague to discuss shooting their offspring into a lunar orbit confinement before they come of age and haunt this planet with the double barreled sullen genetics of Paltrow and Martin. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Yeah, I got more.