December 31, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Oh, the embarrassment. No, not letting everybody see you out with your foppish, electric BMW driving husband. Running into the paparazzo who’s car you left dog shit on the week before because he had the gall to make you famous and self-important and easily irritated. I hate when that happens. Anne handled the situation with tremendous aplomb, staring down at the ground questioning why God would give her so much talent but not the power to telekinetically clear a fifty-yard perimeter of privacy around her person at all times. She then wet herself slightly, whispered to her husband that he’d be getting the paddle when they got home, and ran her lines for an upcoming movie I’m quite certain I will never see. Carry on, stalwart sister. The world will eventually catch up to you.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI