October 8, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Everybody was so concerned that Jason Collins would be blackballed after coming out as the first gay NBA player. But that turns out to be utter nonsense. True, Jason has yet to be signed by any of the thirty NBA franchises this offseason, many of whom are scraping the bottom of the international round ball barrel to fill out their rosters, but that’s only because Jason’s life is now consumed with another sport. Jason joined a gay kickball league in Hollywood because he’s gay and he fucking loves kickball. From what I can tell, the game is basically softball, but you kick a rubber ball instead of hitting it with a bat, with the object being to show how poorly Jason Collins catches a fly ball. When the ball tags his nuts, you win. I mean, you really win. Jason says he’s not committed to the gay kickball league and finding a new job with an NBA team remains a top priority. For their part, NBA teams keep mumbling the phrase ‘no homo’ and talking up gay kickball.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI