July 12, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
The Canyons is being promoted as an ‘erotic thriller’, which means it’s going to suck even worse than anyone could have imagined. The movie starring Lindsay Lohan and the dude who backdoored the Teen Mom, is finally premiering in New York in a couple of weeks. Lindsay is getting out of rehab just in time to hit the red carpet of the horrid affair. Even the film director is now openly referring to Lindsay as a ‘troubled train wreck’. Paul Schrader said of Lindsay:
Lohan “feels she must be experiencing an emotion in order to play it. This leads to all sorts of emotional turmoil, not to mention on-set delays and melodrama”.
I assume he means she needed to feel the emotion of ‘super fucking high’ and ‘wicked drunk and wet in her horny parts’ in order to play her role. If Schrader ever visited her off set he’d know this is not really an acting process for Lindsay so much as just a Tuesday.