June 26, 2013 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Most everybody hates Chris Brown. Who wouldn’t love to hear tales of him fronting as a badass in prison by day, being sodomized by entire cell blocks of hard-timers after lights out. But this shit about busting hardcore idiots for mostly nothing has got to stop. Rear-ending a Mercedes in Beverly Hills and not providing your license to the driver of the other car? I guess that’s a crime. So is not volunteering to pay sales taxes on your Amazon purchases. How are you doing with that? Either way, looks like the L.A. City attorney is filing hit and run charges for the ‘crime’ (see above) which wouldn’t mean much except that Chris Brown is still on probation for his infamous woman beating on Rihanna. Which could mean four years in prison for Chris. Only, it won’t. Because he’s a celebrity. So, mostly, nothing really happened today to Chris Brown.