May 25, 2010 | Uncategorized | editor | 0 Comments
This idea is really dumb and really expensive. So, needless to say…
BRITNEY SPEARS wants to be FROZEN after her death – so she can be brought back to life later.
“Brit gets these obsessions and this is the latest.
“It started when someone told her Walt Disney had been preserved by cryogenics to be revived in the future. That was a myth but it got her researching the foundation and she became convinced it was worth a shot.
“Brit found the whole thing so interesting she spent most of her Mother’s Day trip to Disneyland researching the subject on the internet while a nanny took the boys round the park.”
They say she’s gonna drop around $350,000 to become a deep frozen mummy. That seems expensive, but for $250,000 they can turn you into a vacuum sealed wolfman, and for 150 you can be dry-ice vampire. It’s all very scientific as you can see.