October 2, 2009 | Uncategorized | editor | 0 Comments
Stephanie Birkitt is the woman at the center of the David Letterman blackmail scandal. She was one of the women Dave had an affair with when she worked on his show, and it was her ex boyfriend who attempted to blackmail him. The Huffington Post says:
Birkitt, Letterman’s former assistant who has made several appearances on the “Late Show,” had lived with alleged blackmailer Robert “Joe” Halderman, who allegedly “was in possession of Birkitt’s diary, correspondence and photos — which he says incriminated Letterman.”
Letterman and Birkitt had a relationship that ended before 2003, when his son Harry was born.
Birkitt is reportedly “mortified Halderman is using her fling with Letterman to blackmail her boss.”
And this will come down soon, but for now CBS has an interview that Birkett did with Letterman on the Late Night page (copy of it here). Thanks to Andy for finding that. Sure, he seems cool now, but I heard he had sex with Katherine Heigl. That’s gross dude. Have some self respect. I also heard he steals.