January 29, 2009 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
Basically I just wanted to put up that picture, but as an excuse to do that, hey look Elisabeth Hasselbeck is pregnant again.
Elisabeth confirmed the news that she and her husband, former NFL quarterback Tim Hasselbeck, are expecting their third child on Thursday's "The View.""We are thankful for such great news and will begin planning our zone defense strategy immediately," Elisabeth said."This time… we were shocked that we got pregnant," she said. "But the first two times, it was difficult for me to get pregnant."
This would only be shocking if she hadn't had sex for 6 months. Otherwise, this is pretty much how it works. It’s the one and only way to get pregnant. When you do the things necessary to get a certain result, and then get that result, not shocking. It would be like if you jumped off a roof, then hit the ground, then were all like, "hey WTF!"