October 20, 2008 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
Faith Hill is on the cover of Shape magazine this month (full size picture here) in her first ever bikini photo shoot, all the more amazing because she’s about to turn 41. says…
What gave her the bravery? Pilates."I could bend in ways I haven't been able to since I was a teenager," the Nashville-based star tells Shape magazine for its December issue. "My husband [Tim McGraw] loves it!"In July she and McGraw began a daily routine that included four miles on the elliptical, light weight lifting, crunches and push-ups."I found I slept better, had more energy and was stronger," says Hill, who then increased her regime to include Pilates classes three times a week.
Hm. That fake background isn’t doing much to convince me this hasn’t been phtoshopped to hell. Why the blank blue screen? Is she doing a weather report?