July 22, 2008 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
I read an article in Discover magazine one time that said girls with implants are 30 percent more likely to be promiscuous. Except replace the word "read" with the words "saw a picture", and the word "Discover" with the word "Juggs". In hindsight it was less of an article about a study, and more of some pictures of this chick with huge awesome tits and then me just assuming she was a whore. I can’t remember where I was going with this. Anyway, hey look, it's Audrina Patrdige in some totally spontaneous and not-staged pictures of her big tits and hot ass yesterday in Beverly Hills. Too bad about her face because her body is unbelievable. She and I could do it but it would have to be pretty dark. We could do it in the daylight, but I’d have to wack my penis up against her a few times to get things going, like you do with poppin fresh dough or a road flare.