April 18, 2008 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
I said these were exclusive but I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I haven’t seen them anywhere else, but to be fair, I spend most of my nights updating my computer dating profile to say that I like to "have fun", and then give examples of different ways we could have fun together. I’m not entirely sure when people started to trust me with exclusives but they should probably stop because I'll just fuck it up with rambling incoherent introductions like this one. But if these are exclusive, hey look, an exclusive look at the cast of next summers "G.I. Joe", starring Rachel Nichols as Scarlett, Channing Tatum as Duke, Karolina Korkova as Cover Girl, Marlon Wayans as Ripcord, Byung-hun Lee as Storm Shadow, Sienna Miller as The Baroness, Ray Park as Snake Eyes, and Dennis Quaid as Hawk. You may note that almost every one of these sets has a shot from the back. This entire movie is asses. It's like a two hour Hot Buns contest.
THREATENING UPDATE – images removed by request of Paramount.