January 22, 2008 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
The 18th century English boot black inside of Britney Spears is taking over lately, and hardly ever lets Britney out to speak. She was absolutely the dominant personality last night, with the English accent coming on very strong. And whether joking or not, when asked where Adnan (her new boyfriend) was, she said she didn't know who that was. Even still, this personality is a little boring. Hopefully some of the other ones will be crazier / more entertaining. Like she’ll think she's a robot and she'll stick her arms through some oatmeal canisters and put a box on as a dress and walk real stiff and just say, "beep beep boop". Because them maybe she can be reprogrammed as a "pleasure model". Rawr!
DESPERATE UPDATE! – Adnan may or may not still be in the picture, but the first thing Britney says in this is, “is Filipe here?” TMZ says Filipe is another paparazzi, this guy here and here, who has worked his way into Britney’s life.