March 19, 2007 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
Being the biggest dickhead in Hollywood is like being the rudest child molester. It's an unparalleled level of achievement. But director David O. Russell does his gold medal best to win the title, from getting into fistfights with George Clooney after berating the crew on the set of "Three Kings", to this just released epic meltdown with Lilly Tomlin (WARNING – very NSFW language) on the set of "I Heart Huckabees". Instead of picturing his career, picturing someone parachuting and then pulling the rip chord and a bunch of sandwiches come out. It's pretty much the same thing.
(an equally amazing and profanity laced tirade after the jump)
UPDATE – videos fixed, thanks to reader Crunchy, who also stays delicious in milk.
SEXY NEW UPDATE – now extra double fixed
DOUBLE SEXY NEW UPDATE – damn, they keep ripping this down but these should work for a while.