February 8, 2007 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments

Cameron Diaz banked a $3 million check for 6 hours of work to appear in an ad for a Japanese cell phone company. It is her third such ad for the phone company, all of the ads are pretty much the same and all of them are seen only in Japan. The ads all show her walking down the street absorbed in a conversation, oblivious to the world around here (like the ad above and another one HERE). The only twist the new ad offers is that Diaz is walking through a movie set with aliens, pirates, cowboys and mobsters all around her. Us Weekly says:

"She was smiling through the shoot and looked like a knockout."

Wow, what an insane waste of money. Japanese TV is filled with goofy perverts and insane violence, there's no way any of them are gonna respond to Cameron Diaz walking down the street. I think ads this boring might even be illegal in Japan. Where's the dude on rollerskates and a mousetrap on his dork, where's the 10-year-old girl dressed as Little Red Riding Hood being chased by an octopus penis monster?!?  C'mon Japan, I expected a little more from you.

Tags: cameron diaz

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