October 23, 2006 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
Monday is "Fun-Day" here on Tyler, where we like to take a second to peek behind the curtain and learn about the celebrities and how they live, and it's in that sprit that sexy sounding Jenna sent in this article about Kirsten Dunst and her X-Men like teeth:
Why the enormous teeth? Certainly they were used in hunting, but opinions vary as to exactly how they were used. Some paleontologists have suggested that they were used to grab and hold onto prey. However, attacking a large herbivore this way could easily break the saber teeth and saber teeth that were demonstrably broken during an animal's lifetime are rare in fossil deposits. A more plausible hypothesis suggests that saber teeth were used to deliver a fatal ripping wound to the belly or throat of a prey animal. Sabertooth carnivores may not have tried to grapple with prey. More likely, delivered one crippling stab wound and then waited for the prey to die.
My mom told me that monsters weren’t real, but she lied, didn’t she. She lied.