May 24, 2006 | Photos | editor | 0 Comments
Britney Spears wrote on her web site a few weeks ago that she was no longer interested in Kabbalah, the trendy Hollywood offshoot of Judaism, since she had a baby. Britney said: “I no longer study Kaballah. My baby is my religion.” Let’s just pretend that Britney used all those words correctly, that she was “studying” and that “baby” is a religion, because sources now say that the real reason for the split was money.
“She’s tired of the way [Kabbalah leaders] kept hassling her for money. Actually, it was mostly her mother’s decision. They were always asking Britney to tithe. There was a lot of pressure, and finally her mom said, ‘Enough is enough’.”
In Kabbalahs defense, whenever you meet a girl named Britney, Ginger, Kammy or Tammy, you should immediately ask them for money and/or a blowjob. There’s a 90 percent chance they’ll give you one of the two. More than likely the second one, but, who knows, maybe.
Source = MSNBC