Michelle Rodriguez is a thug

April 26, 2006 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments

Michelle Rodriguez, who plays a police officer on ‘Lost’, was sentenced yesterday for driving under the influence of alcohol. On December 1, 2005, she was arrested on the island of Oahu after failing a field sobriety test, registering a blood-alcohol level of 0.145 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of 0.08.

This is just the latest driving related incident for Rodriguez. One month before the DUI, she was ticketed on Oahu for driving 83 mph in a 55 mph zone. 11 days before that, she was caught driving 90 mph in a 35 mph zone. On Aug 24 of 2005, she was clocked going 80 mph in a 50 mph zone. In 2003, she was charged in Los Angeles with hit-and-run and failure to exchange insurance information, plus driving with a suspended (New Jersey) license and driving without a valid California license. Later that year, she was pulled over for speeding through a Hollywood Boulevard intersection. She was charged with driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license and driving without a valid license. When arrested for the DUI in December, she was described as “argumentative and rude”. According to the police report, Rodriguez screamed:

“I don’t fucking belong here! Why don’t you just put a gun to my head and shoot me! You’ve already taken my freedom! You might as well take my life too. (Why don’t you) just take my car and I’ll walk all the way to the North Shore, but don’t leave me in the back of this car, poppie.”

Awesomely, Rodriguez has chosen five days in jail and a 500 dollar fine rather than 240 hours of community service.

“I kind of have to get back to my life, go back to making some money.”

Man, this bitch is hard. She reminds me of when I was a shortie, bangin in my hood just to stay up. Except, replace the word “hood” with the words “all white country club” and the words “bangin just to stay up” with “being scared of the high dive”.

Source = Yahoo


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