November 15, 2005 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
(note – everything I wrote about pregnant women being creepy was just gonna be wildly offensive, so instead of publishing what I had, I just cut and pasted an article from Popular Mechanics about the rotaion of the Earths core. Enjoy!)
In an effort that would capture the imagination of Jules Verne, scientists measured the speed of rotation of the earth’s core. Their results reveal that it takes 23 hours 59 minutes and 59.001 seconds to make one full rotation, as opposed to the poky 24 hours experienced by those of us on the surface. Xiadong Song, the author of a paper to appear in the August 26 issue of the journal Science, calculated the differential rotation of 0.009 seconds–proof, he says, to support the claim he and Paul G. Richards first made 9 years ago.
A comparison of seismic waves in near identical earthquakes, which occurred in different years, indicate that the smoothest path through the earth’s interior actually changes alignment over time. Why? Electric and magnetic fields generated by iron in the liquid outer core may push on the metallic inner core, the scientists speculate–creating a situation not unlike a huge rotor in an electric motor.
Ummm, I think the baby just might be a boy.