October 19, 2005 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
I’m sure most of you have already been over to this morning, so this may be old news, but for those who haven’t, they scored some early set pictures from High, Wide, and Handsome, the NASCAR movie written by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay. Those two last worked together when McKay directed and co-wrote Anchorman. Ferrell plays a driver named Ricky Bobby, already making this movie funnier than everything SNL has done combined since Will left. It co-stars the great John C. Reilly and Sacha Baron Cohen (aka Ali G), who plays a driver sponsored by Perrier. Just the idea of a NASCAR team sponsored by Perrier is pretty damn brilliant. Again, compare that to SNL these days. I can’t honestly say I’ve ever been raped by a bear with AIDS, but I think I would prefer it to watching Fred Armison and Will Forte for 30 seconds.