March 7, 2013 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
There are two types of dudes in this world. The kind who can’t stop thinking about the men their girl was with before them. And the kind who are able to let it go. The second group is split evenly between guys who really are secure enough to not feel a need to compete with every other man in this world and guys so happy to be getting some they know better than to bring stupid shit up from the past.
But, if Justin Bieber was there before, that does strain the lines of the camp a little?
Despite the fact she’s still a bit jailbait looking, I think Selena Gomez is the perfect little pop tartlet. She’s got the whole Latina thing working perfect, she’s petite, she’s got that schoolgirl giggle, and she manages to make the most of her little body. But, man, as much as I’d try to put it out of my mind, even the slightest echo from her about how ‘Justin used to like to wear my makeup’ and I think my boys would shrivel up like they’d just taken a dip on that one warm Spring day around Lake Michigan when you’re sure the water isn’t as cold as it looks.
Here’s pictures of Selena on set of her new music video.