September 8, 2011 | celebrity | editor | 0 Comments
‘Toddlers and Tiaras’ is often criticized for the way the pageants featured on the show sexualize children, but that shouldn’t be an issue with tonights new episode starring a 3-year-old girl dressed up as a prostitute.
Oh wait never mind.
As it happens, it’s not just any prostitute. Technically, it’s Julia Roberts’ streetwalker-with-a-heart-of-gold character from Pretty Woman—though not, unfortunately, after her character is redeemed by Richard Gere and takes to wearing full-coverage dresses and fancy jewels.
Umm, well he’s still paying her at that point too, so I’m not so sure it counts as a redemption unless your idea of an empowering movie for girls is one about how to increase their profit margins as a prostitute.