January 23, 2017 | celebrity | matt-ralston | 0 Comments
There are probably a decent amount of men and women who voted for Trump to piss off annoying self-righteous assholes like Madonna. In fact, 40 percent of women who voted cast their ballot for Trump. Casting a ballot seems much more important than simply voting in your sweatpants. So, it’s basically a false narrative that women didn’t support Trump. Another ten percent of them and he’d have gotten half of their vote. This means one of your friends from book club isn’t telling you something. The one with the fake tits who listens to Toby Keith.
The Women’s March wasn’t necessarily about women. For example, the organizers denied a pro-life feminist group. So not really all women, just a specific type of woman. The ones who are pissed Hillary lost. There are no exit polls, but obviously some percentage of the people marching didn’t vote, despite being eligible, because they were too busy. Instead of any number of legitimate female activists, a number of supremely wealthy female celebrities took the stage to rally the crowd. Scarlet Johansson made vague references to needing to visit Planned Parenthood as a teen between bassoon and horse riding lessons. Madonna took the stage at the Washington chapter of the Women’s March and delivered an incoherent speech laced with several F-bombs on live TV because women should apparently not have to follow the rules:
“Yes, I am angry, yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”
Could you ooze any more entitlement? Isn’t saying you want to blow up the White House a felony, or do you get special privilege? Try yelling “Kill Castro!” at a Havana rally. I double dare you. If this was Dave Chapelle he would have been tackled and curb kicked immediately? Madonna seems like an out of touch twat. What’s the point of protesting something that has already happened and you have no chance of changing? While you think about that check out Twitter, a lot of people really owned it with their epic signs.
Photo Credit: Instagram