November 12, 2015 | WTF | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
There’s a new phenomenon where restaurant servers and patrons are passively aggressively communicating with each other via their bills. Mostly it’s lack of tips and complaints. It’s always women. Men go to restaurants just to eat apparently.
Waitress Jessica Morris is feeling pretty good about herself today because she got tons of Facebook likes on an open letter she wrote to one of her customers. The chick stiffed her on a tip with a note about how Jessica shouldn’t have flirted so hard with her brand new husband and she should go find her own. On the list of passive aggressive forms of communication, the open letter barely edges out the cowardly note left on a restaurant tab.
I would like you to know, the server that was in the section across from mine, that I kept talking to and checking on throughout the time of you sitting at my table IS MY HUSBAND. Which I found on my own, and looks better than yours. Also, I would like you to know that I’m sorry MY HUSBAND treated me to a cruise for my honeymoon and not a restaurant. As well as, MY HUSBAND would never let me feel so insecure that I would feel the need to write such a terrible note to a server and make them feel the way you have.
I’m not sure why she kept putting MY HUSBAND in all caps, but I’m guessing that’s a standard when he’s super good looking and pops for cruises. Photo above. You judge for yourself.
It seems pretty clear from all these related stories that waitresses are the only people in the service industry who routinely run into rude or unhappy customers. Or it’s possible that the dude who works at Jiffy Lube isn’t writing open letters on Facebook to the asshole who yelled at him for not properly vacuuming out his back seats. I’m sorry waitressing Carrow’s turned out to be less glamorous than in the brochure. Hookers gets The AIDS for their troubles and they don’t pen social media essays complaining about their infectious customers. Mother Theresa slept in a puddle of shit. You’re a waitress. Find some perspective or spit in your customer’s food like your less outspoken fellow servers.
Photo credit: Jessica Morris