March 19, 2014 | celebrity | Lex Jurgen | 0 Comments
Scarlett Johansson is pretty smart. She managed to carefully navigate a response to being called out in Dylan Farrow’s ‘I Got Fondled And Nobody Gives a Shit’ letter as one of the actors who should be ashamed to be working with Woody Allen. Scarlett called upon a politician’s two best friends in her response: casual lying and double speak.
“I’m unaware that there’s been a backlash. I think he’ll continue to know what he knows about the situation, and I’m sure the other people involved have their own experience with it. It’s not like this is somebody that’s been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, ‘I don’t support this lifestyle or whatever.’ I mean, it’s all guesswork.”
I find it rather hard to believe that Scarlett isn’t aware of the Woody Allen Diddle-Gate raging through especially New York newspapers and social circles. I guess being a pregnant unmarried working mom doesn’t leave much time for opening a newspaper, turning on the TV, accessing the Internet or talking to another living soul on the phone or in person. However, she is absolutely on the money that Woody will continue to know what he knows and that other people will know what they know. It’s hard to argue that factoid. She did wind it up with little logical nudge that people who don’t know what happened ought to shut the fuck up. Which would be everybody but Woody and Dylan and the creepy death clown who Mia Farrow assured Dylan would slaughter everyone she loved if she didn’t say Daddy bad touched her. There, I broke my own fucking rule.
Photo Credit: Getty